Introducing Menagerie Adoption & Stories
Many of us have gotten in line for a carousel and watched the animals twirling around, deciding which to ride. Then the ride stops, the gate opens, and you rush toward the animal you've chosen. You turn to the other riders, challenge them to a race and say, "My horse (or lion, zebra, ostrich … whatever you choose) is the fastest!" Many of us have done it. It's part of the experience.
Now you have a rare opportunity to adopt a carousel animal. Snoqualmie Valley Carousel is currently seeking donors to adopt the horses and menagerie. As a donor, you will work with our artists and design team to create a custom animal of your choice. As part of that experience, we will honor our donors by sharing the personal story behind each animal on our website.
Want to get a jump start on the design process? You may choose to adopt one of the menagerie animals already in the design process.
Our team will work with you to add personal touches to these animals and bring your vision to life. Initial animals will be showcased in the coming weeks, but remember, you can create your own!
Donors are integral to making the dream and efforts of the Snoqualmie Valley Carousel come true. We are looking forward to working with you, getting to know you, and sharing your story.
Stay tuned! Adopt and share your dream!
For information about becoming a donor, please get in touch with us.
Originally published on NBA&I website May 20, 2022