Letter from the Director, Spring 2022
I spent the last few weeks reflecting on what to write in this letter.
Every morning I slip a harness onto my recently adopted puppy, and we head out into the brisk spring air. I split my time on our walk focused on two things: the tasks of training a puppy and the vision for the carousel.
When thinking of the puppy, I focus on the goals and consistency, which often reminds me how important those are to this project.
While thinking of the carousel, I envision the incredible impact this project is already having on the lives of individuals.
When reflecting on this letter, I consider what to share:
The project vision
Chronicling the carousel’s history
Expressing my purpose for joining the project
Outlining our goals
I could easily go on...
What I have realized is that there is so much to share!!! The list is far greater than I could communicate in one letter, so we’ll start with a summary, and in the coming months and years, we’ll elaborate.
The carousel was donated to North Bend Art & Industry in 2019, and our 2021 Press Release communicates a bit about that journey. Check it out!
I joined the project in January 2021. I spent most of the year interviewing other carousel restoration teams and learning about carousels.
During the first quarter of 2022, the leadership team has:
Rebranded! We are now Snoqualmie Valley Carousel, Restoration by NBA&I
Created a new logo
Drafted a Sponsorship Package that will be available in June
Sketched two carousel animals that are ready for sponsorship and personalization (more soon)
Crafted initial stories for those two animals, which sponsors will get to personalize
Built schedules, timelines, project management tools, and more
Visited the PNW Carousel Conference to network with peers
Started initial evaluation of restorable pieces
As 2022 continues, I’ll focus on refining our vision, expanding our operation, launching our sponsorship program, and evaluating the restoration process. The leadership team will focus on mechanism restoration, artistic direction, and behind-the-scenes magic.
Most important: We are ready for volunteers to help with logistics, planning, fundraising, grant writing, administrative support, etc. Please review the current volunteer opportunities and contact us to volunteer!
Many of you are excited to get underway with carving, painting, restoration, and assembling the mechanism. We have more to do behind the scenes before we launch those programs, but they are coming soon, and we hope you will continue to follow along or join us!
Leave a legacy,
Director of Carousel Restoration
In July of 2022, Snoqualmie Valley Carousel became a separate organization.
Read the announcement!
Current logo &
Previous NBA&I stamp
Originally published on NBA&I website April 30, 2022